Get In Touch

+1 340 727 2138
+1512 850 5839

You can also find us on Whatsapp for Business

PO Box 690,
St Thomas, VI 00804

Frequently Asked Question!

We sell almost exclusively Arabica beans.  Robusta beans are only used in espresso blends and will be listed as such.

We can ship to anywhere.

We are located right on St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands.

This question is different for every bean and every person. Rule of thumb is peak freshness is Day 3 to Day 14 after the roast.  Exceptions to this include Sumatra and Ethiopians. Honestly, the beans will taste fresh for 99.5% of all people months later.  

Always choose whole bean.  Even if it is a cheap burr hand grinder you always what the freshest bean possible.

Black oily beans are burnt beans and have already lost almost all their original flavors.  Burnt beans mask bad beans. Burnt beans also will eventually ruin your grinder. Stay away from black oily beans!

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